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Expectation and Reflection

Before the experience, we thought that we would create a useful website for family and friends that they could stay updated with. We both love doing crafts and each complete baking and DIY projects regularly; we wanted to more easily share our experiences with others. We expected to gain a knowledge of website design and Internet content from this capstone, and we believed that this would benefit our technology prowess.

Personally, we felt that this experience affected us as people. We now feel more confident in sharing our love of DIY and baking projects, and have learned a lot about timelines along the way. We became more time-conscious and see the world with a more pragmatic view: "if you write it, they will come" does not apply to blog writing, we learned. Because we did not promote our blog on multiple social media platforms, we had a small audience. Several projects were time consuming and challenging to adapt to our resources, so our character in time management and perseverance was tested. This was a meaningful experience; we built technological and tactile skills. If we had to start our blog over, we would promote it more and stick to a schedule in order to hold an audience.

Meet Ollie and Ellie

We are high school seniors...

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